30 year old man arrested for molesting a 7 year old girl

30-year-old mason has been arrested by the police for allegedly defiling a seven-year-old girl in Arab road area of Kubwa, Abuja.The suspect, a father of three, identified as Joshua, was said to have lured the girl to his house where he had  carnal knowledge of her.City News gathered that the mother of the girl had sent her to fetch water at a borehole not far from their home when the incident occurred.

The source said the victim, identified as Hafsat, was on her way back after fetching the water when the suspect intercepted her and lured her to his house.The source said the victim who innocently followed him, later became suspicious and apprehensive when the suspect took her inside his room and locked the door.“As soon as they entered the room, he bolted the door and had carnal knowledge of her,” the source said.He added that effort by the victim to raise alarm while the act lasted proved abortive as the suspect used his hand to cover her mouth and stop her from screaming.

City News, however, learnt that the victim ran back home and reported the incident to her parents who alerted the police.When contacted, the Kubwa Divisional Police Officer (DPO), Chief Superintendent Nuruddeen Sabo, confirmed the arrest, saying the case has been transferred to the State CID.

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