'Mariah, I love you. I need your help. Please don't abandon me.' Dying sister of Mariah Carey sends a video plea to her superstar sibling

In a heartbreaking video - released exclusively to Daily Mail Online to highlight her plight – Alison Carey sends out a plea to her superstar sister
 Mariah Carey’s dying sister has made an impassioned plea to her famous sibling, begging her to mend the rift between them and help save her life, saying: ‘Mariah I love you, I desperately need your help.’

Just months after doctors brought her back from the brink of death, recovering drug addict Alison Carey, who is also HIV positive, is a broken woman.
She is in dire need of financial support as she battles back to health following a devastating home invasion attack last April that  left her brain damaged and seriously ill. She has been in and out of the hospital.

Amid mounting medical bills, desperate Alison awaits further life-threatening brain and spine surgery and if she pulls through, faces years of physical rehabilitation.
And in a heartbreaking video - released exclusively to Daily Mail Online to highlight her plight – Alison sends out a plea to her superstar sister in the hope she will step in to help.
In a heartbreaking video - released exclusively to Daily Mail Online to highlight her plight – Alison Carey sends out a plea to her superstar sister 

Alison, here during her most recent hospital stay,  is in dire need of financial support as she battles back to health following a devastating home invasion attack last April that left her brain damaged and seriously ill 

In a video filmed this week, Alison, 54, speaks directly to the ‘I’ll be There’ singer in a moving message, she says: ‘Mariah I love you, and I desperately need your help, please don’t abandon me like this.’
In a video filmed this week, Alison, 54, speaks directly to the ‘I’ll be There’ singer in a moving message, she says: ‘Mariah I love you, and I desperately need your help, please don’t abandon me like this.’

In a previous video, seen by Daily Mail Online, made on September 15 last year by Alison’s brother Morgan Carey,  Alison was at her lowest point  - 24 hours after she was taken off a ventilator keeping her alive in hospital.

Morgan made the video after being forced to intervene when he claims to have discovered a family member signed a ‘do not resuscitate’ order on Alison should she have a seizure.

Morgan, 55, wanted to prove Alison was lucid and had her faculties about her.
In the short clip the penniless former prostitute is spaced out  and slurring her words as brother Morgan asks for her permission to have the order lifted.
Morgan says: ‘Alison, look at me, you’re Alison Carey, are you Alison Carey?’ She responds: ‘Yes’.
Morgan continues: ‘Today is September 15, 2015?’
‘Yes’, she replied.
‘[Redacted]  signed a “do not resuscitate”…do you want to revoke that order?’
Morgan asked the question three times and she responded, ‘I do’, each time.
Morgan hopes the heart-breaking video will strike a chord with Mariah and go some way to mend the long running family feud that has torn the Carey family apart.
He’s hoping Mariah, who has an estimated net worth of $510 million, will put her hand in her vast pocket and pay for Alison’s health care.
Mariah, known for her lavish lifestyle, wears a $7 million engagement ring given to her by boyfriend, Australian billionaire businessman James Packer in January.
Packer is estimated by Forbes to be worth $4.7 billion - the fourth-richest person in Australia.

A representatives for Mariah denies the claim that she has not helped her sister. 'Through the years, Mariah has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars supporting Alison and her children,' the rep told Daily Mail Online. 'In fact, Mariah has supported her extended family for over two decades.'

Morgan, speaking to Daily Mail Online from his home in Italy, reveals that following the attack in April, Alison spent a short time at a mental hospital in New York  after a bizarre episode in the street near her home.

With a broadside to his other sister, he says: 'Because Mariah has not found it in her heart to help Alison get the care she requires there are times when Alison forgets or is unable to take her medication and this sometimes precipitates problematic behavior.'
He said: 'Alison was institutionalized for observation after being found wandering in the street barefoot and partially dressed, causing the police to be concerned.

'Her behavior was caused as a result of damage done in the attack and her having missed the medications she was taking.'
Morgan says that due to the severe brain damage, Alison suffers from memory loss, 
seizures, and occasional periods  loss of consciousness.

Mariah is the one person in the family who could actually make a real meaningful difference to Alison’s life.’
Morgan says he flew from Maui last August to be at his sister’s bedside when she took a turn for the worse, but Alison’s mother and sister didn’t show. It was then that he took a video of her in the hospital.
‘It was painful for her to speak, you could hear the raspiness in her breath, she had had a tube down her throat for so long.
‘She looked like she had been beaten down by this whole experience, her eyes were foggy, her skin jaundice and she had very little motor control.
‘Every effort, every movement was very labored and painful and difficult – but she was very much alive.
‘I wanted to be able to prove that she was lucid, that she understood who she was, where she was, what was going on around her.

Mariah, known for her lavish lifestyle, wears a $7million engagement ring given to her by boyfriend, Australian billionaire businessman James Packer in January. Packer is estimated by Forbes to be worth $4.7 billion - the fourth-richest person in Australia 
Morgan says Alison inherited $1.6million from her father Alfred Carey, when he died in 2002, and she set up trust funds for her children. Alison recently left hospital and is being cared for by a Patient Advocate and staying at the advocate’s home in New York. 
I wanted people to see that she was a human being and that someone else shouldn’t have the decision to decide whether she live or die.’
Despite coming close to death Alison pulled through and made a miraculous recovery.
Morgan was successful in having the “do not resuscitate order” dropped and claims he is now his sister’s medical proxy.

daily mail

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