Rotary provides bags, books to schools

It was a surprise package to the pupils and teachers of Olokun 1 and Ire-Akari Primary Schools when the Rotary Club of Okota, District 9110 led by its President, Alex Ajibo, visited their schools and donated bags and exercise books to the pupils.

Speaking at the event, Ajibo, a chartered accountant and banker, said the club visited the school to donate exercise books, bags and materials for washing hands to promote hygiene, education and literacy.
“On our inspection last year, we discovered that some pupils did not have school bags while many of those who had were carrying tattered bags. We also discovered that some did not have exercise books. Hence we agreed with the head mistresses that we would give the pupils bags and exercise books to encourage them, a promise we are fulfilling today.
“We also realised that these are public schools and that many of their parents are confronted with a lot of challenges that may be inhibiting their ability to procure these necessary materials for their children. We are also here with washing materials for the washing of their hands to promote cleanliness,” he said.
Ajibo disclosed that other projects carried out during his tenure were creating awareness about polio with flyers and communication in Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa and English languages at Ire-Akari Market, Isolo.
The Assistant Head Mistress of Ire-Akari Primary School, Okota, Mrs. Taibat Olufemi, expressed appreciation for the efforts of the club while the Head Mistress, Olokun 1, Primary School, Mrs. Kate Gbalubi, described the gesture as a helping -hand to the school and the government.


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