Two freshman have been arrested for allegedly vandalizing a campus chapel Friday with homophobic and racial slurs, penises, a swastika - and bizarrely - the word 'Trump'.

Northwestern University students Anthony Morales, 19, and Matthew Kafker, 18, were both held on $50,000 bail for charges of institutional vandalism, hate crime to a place of worship and criminal damage to property.University chaplain Tim Stevens, who said he discovered the defacement, told theNew York Daily News: 'It's disturbing to think that someone who's been in this space would be venting some sort of rage that way. 'I feel bad for them that they can't handle it in a more productive way.'+7

The pair allegedly entered the non-denominational Alice Millar Chapel on the school's Evanston campus in Chicago around 12:45 am Friday. Kafter and Morales then graffitied one hallway with a slur for African-Americans and a swastika, while in another part of the chapel, they wrote a slur for homosexuals and spray painted over photos of Muslim students, according to police.They drew penises on an organ and over the word 'God' written in the hallway. And finally, in the stairwell, they scrawled the GOP presidential front-runner's surname.

University President Morton Schapiro condemned 'abhorrent act of vandalism' and in an email to students obtained by theDaily Northwestern, said: 'Northwestern is committed to creating a safe, secure and welcoming environment for all of our students, faculty and staff.

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