TWO brothers accused of disfiguring a woman with acid were caught on CCTV giving each other high fives and fist bumps less than an hour after the horror attack.

TWO brothers accused of disfiguring a woman with acid were caught on CCTV giving each other high fives and fist bumps less than an hour after the horror attack. In sickening footage, Billy Midmore, 22, and older brother Geoffrey, 26, can be seen laughing and joking after allegedly blinding Carla Whitlock in one eye.

The mum of six had drain cleaner containing a highly-concentrated sulphuric acid thrown in her face on September 18 last year. The 37-year-old was walking past the Turtle Bay restaurant in Southampton when the horror attack happened, leaving her face scarred and her eyelids burned. 

The jury in the trial was shown the video of the “jubilant” alleged perpetrators on a train to Basingstoke. Kerry Maylin, prosecuting, said: “They weren't sorry. They were jubilant, they were high five-ing, they were fist-bumping, they were laughing.” Jurors were also shown CCTV footage appearing to show the pair shopping for the drain cleaner used in the brutal attack, as well as footage of the attack itself.
Geoffrey Midmore previously pleaded guilty to GBH with intent. His brother – who denies the same charge – smiled and laughed throughout his evidence at the trial. He did admit he would travel to Southampton to sell drugs – up to £3,000-worth of crack and heroin – every day.

The trial continues.

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