15 STYLISH WAYS TO PULL OFF TWA LOOK (Teeny Weeny Afro) - Pictures

When someone talks about Teeny Weeny Afro, then it basically means someone just had a big chop, transitioned fully into natural hair. Teeny Weeny Afro is considered ugly by some women whose hair are stubbornly coarse. I fall into this category. I remember vividly when my natural hair was a TWA, as coarse as it was, it easily curls up as soon as I had it combed. It particularly wasn't a beautiful story. Having a Teeny Weeny Afro isn't bad as there are women who are good at making the best out of every situation.

I didn't have a wonderful experience and was never proud of rocking my TWA because I never had the time to take proper care of it. But this doesn't necessarily mean other women are oblivious of that. Teeny Weeny Afro is rampant among African Women & African- American women of say 40-60 years of age. This is possibly due to the fact that younger women always cover theirs with wigs. But in recent time, TWA is proudly rocked by all. 

There are so many ways to rock Teeny Weeny Afro hair. For instance, you can do a mini twist out for an enormous beautiful look. If you check the video below, you'd understand perfectly well, how to do a twist out on your Teeny Weeny Afro. I have done this over a million times (not on a TWA though)  and trust me, the result is always amazing.  I am proudly on stage 2 of the natural hair journey.

Here are other stylish ways to beautifully rock your Teeny Weeny Afro hair. Apart from a mini twist out or twist out generally, hair tinting is also a go-to style for rocking Teeny Weeny Afro. I love when certain women aren't so scared of trying out colors on their hair. It's something I have been battling with for some months now. I want to tint the tip of my kinks but I'm not sure on what color that will fit best.

If you have a Teeny Weeny Afro and you're not sure which one of the looks to opt for, feel free to drop a comment or two on your struggles with your TWA.

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