How To Smoothen & Tone Flabby Arms

8 Exercises to Tone Up Flabby Arms in 5 Minutes

Fat arms again? Ah! You are here because you have been super conscious about the kind of sleeveless tops or dresses you wear, looking for how to smoothen and tone out those flabby arms. You are not alone! I recently hung out with my girls and one of them couldn’t stop telling me how my arms are now looking like a ‘Christian mother’s arms’. That’s what we call it here in Nigeria. To be honest, that statement didn’t sit well with me at all. I have been using my fingers (curled into a ball) to measure my arms ever since then.

We know all bodies are beautiful in their different forms but there’s always a moment of hesitation when you want to rock that sexy dress or sleeveless top. The fat arms are usually referred to as ‘Stubborn fat’ because once it starts accumulating, it’s always hard to get rid of them. And no matter how much you control your diet, fat arms are usually not too eager to disappear. Before delving into how to get rid of the fat arms, let’s discuss what causes them to appear in the first place.

Like I said before, you are not the only person that is worried or concerned about this issue. You are not alone on this. A lot of women are sitting tightly on this table, so when it’s shaken…everybody falls. Lol! So, I carried out a little research to understand the cause of this issue continue reading

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