Death - The Inevitable and we all must die

When I deeply contemplate the transient nature of human life,
I realize that, from beginning to the end, life is non permanent like an illusion.
Life, the only thing that doesn't last till eternity, because whenever it calls.....
What you don't have is an excuse..

Death is the only inevitable that swallows human......
We have not yet heard of anyone who lived ten thousand years.
How fleeting is a lifetime!
Who in this world today can maintain a human form for even a hundred years? There is no knowing whether I will die first or others, whether death will occur today or tomorrow.
We depart one after another more quickly than the dew drops on the roots or the tips of the blades of grasses. So it is said. Hence,we may have radiant faces in the morning, but by evening we may turn into white ashes. Once the winds of impermanence have blown, our eyes are instantly closed and our breath stops forever.
Then, our radiant face changes its color, and the attractive countenance like peach and plum blossoms is lost. Family and relatives will gather and grieve, but all to no avail? Since there is nothing else that can be done, they carry the deceased out to the fields, and then what is left after the body has been buried is just ashes and dust. Words fail to describe the sadness of it all.
Thus the nature of human existence is such that death comes to young and old alike without discrimination. So we should all quickly take to heart the matter of the greatest importance of the after life, entrust ourselves deeply to God, live to love and learn from others...
Make friends, touch lives , impact  on them so that when we die, we will only leave a legacy that people will never forget.
It's been over 10 years since you left,
The void your absence created is still deep........  No soul has been able to fill it. I know you actually touched many lives dad...Its Such a sad thing that you left just like that... The world is buh nothing .I just pray that God grants you eternal rest unto his glory...
Rest on my daddy
One day,  we shall meet to part no more
To the loving memories of Mr and Mrs Clement Ngene

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