6 Natural Herbs That Can Improve Your Hair Growth

Herbs have been used for many years to nourish the scalp, treat certain ailments from skin complexion to promoting the growth of strong healthy hair. There are a variety of herbs that you can use to help your hair growth journey. Here are the top 6 natural herbs for faster hair growth.

1. Aloe Vera
    Aloe Vera plant contains a gel that is often used in hair styling products like Pepus Hair Growth Butter. This natural gel can restore the PH balance of your scalp, therefore, encouraging hair growth. The hydrating properties in aloe vera gel also help to keep the hair moisturized. You can apply this gel directly to the scalp and massage it into your hair while allowing it to stay for some minutes before rinsing your hair with warm water. Aloe vera gel is traditionally used for the treatment of hair loss and also helps alopecia.

2. Lavender
 This herb is popularly known to help in boosting hair growth and diminish baldness. It also stimulates circulation in the scalp, strengthens new hair growth, and balances the production of natural oil of the scalp. Lavender oil also functions as a natural insect repellent that can keep off disease-carrying parasites like lice, ticks, and fleas from your hair.

Lavender oil has antibacterial properties that will help soothe irritation and infections on the scalp. It is also very effective in treating dandruff, flaky and dry scalp. Lavender has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties that can help to treat hair loss.

Regular use of lavender oil on hair will help in preventing hair loss as well as re-growing the hair.

3. Peppermint
     This herb offers healing to the scalp while acting as a stimulant to hair follicles. For your hair to grow healthily, your scalp must be healthy too. This herb is often used as oil and applied directly to the scalp.

4. Green Tea
     Green tea is a popular natural herb because of its many health benefits. It is not only used for weight loss but can be used to promote hair growth. It contains antioxidants that help with hair loss and panthenol, a substance that strengthens the hair. This herb is effective for the treatment of thinning and damaged hair.

5. Rosemary
     Rosemary herb has been used for many years on hair to help reduce hair loss. It is a good treatment for thinning and bald hair. Rosemary oil is best used when mixed together with Olive oil. Apply the mixture directly to your scalp and massage in. Rosemary oil promotes hair growth and also prevents the hair from prematurely going grey.

6. Moringa
    This herb contains thiocyanate that is known to protect and strengthen hair follicles. Strong hair follicles prevent hair loss and hair thinning. Moringa is a natural conditioner and promotes new hair growth. It can be used by applying directly to the hair. You can also make tea out of Moringa powder and use it to rinse your hair.

Did you know that our hair products contain all these herbs plus more? Our hair products are made with over 20 natural oil and herbs that are known to promote hair growth, helps thinning, and drastically reduce hair loss.

To order the hair product, kindly send a DM here

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