A man who raped 13year girl he was babysitting sentenced to 6years imprisonment

A twisted male babysitter who raped a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint while he was was meant to be looking after her has been jailed. Savage Adrian Barnett, 43, indecently assaulted and attacked the innocent child as he held a blade to her neck.

The vile rapist was sentenced to six-and-a-half-years in prison after he admitted the historic attack, which took place between 1996 and 2000 in Wiltshire.Wiltshire Police reviewed the case last year after the victim, who struggled for years to speak about what happened, felt able to cooperate.

Speaking after the sentencing at Swindon Crown Court, Detective Chief Inspector Jeremy Carter, of the Brunel Major Crime Investigation Team, said Barnett"abused his position of trust".

He said: "Adrian Barnett is a violent man who has shown no remorse for his actions."On a date between 1996 and 2000, he abused his position of trust as a babysitter for an innocent 13-year-old girl. While he was supposedly looking after the young girl, he held a knife to her neck, and raped her.

"Understandably, this incident had a long lasting impact on the young victim who felt unable to give an account to police officers at the time."However, Wiltshire Police reviewed the case last year, and further enquiries were carried out. As a result of the reinvestigation, the victim felt able to cooperate with police which has led to the successful prosecution of Barnett.

"Det Insp Carter continued: "I would like to take this opportunity to praise the victim in this case who has shown a huge amount of bravery and courage throughout."No doubt the actions of this man will have had a huge impact on her life but I hope that this sentencing will go some way in helping her to rebuild her life and move on.

"I would also like to commend the staff involved in this investigation who have worked closely with the victim to put this predator behind bars."Finally, I would like to reassure the public that Wiltshire Police take all reports of sexual assault extremely seriously, regardless of how much time has passed since, as this case illustrates."We would always encourage any victims to come forward, no matter how long ago the abuse may have taken place."Call police immediately on 101. Victims can also seek support andcounselling from the Sexual Assault Referral Centre based at the New Swindon Sanctuary

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