Lmao, Hilarious pictures of what happens when one follows instructions too closely

A mother covered her head while breastfeeding in order to obey the sign that reads: 'Please cover yourself' 
A mother covered her head while breastfeeding in order to obey the sign that reads: 'Please cover yourself'. see others after the cut

One man who is particularly keen to follow instructions puts his phone physically beneath his watch 

When met with the sign 'Draw Bridge', a creative passer-by obeyed by producing a detailed drawing of a bridge

A pupil literally describes the difference between the numbers 8 and 6, writing: 'Eight is all curly six is not' 
 A  pupil literally describes the difference between the numbers 8 and 6, writing: 'Eight is all curly six is not'

One can only assume that the cake decorator was instructed to 'Write Happy Birthday on both'
 Told to write happy birthday on both cakes and the baker did this, lolz

While one would hope that a driver didn't deliberately crash through the brick wall under a 'drive thru' sign, you can't help but appreciate the irony
 While one would hope that a driver didn't deliberately crash through the brick wall under a 'drive thru' sign, you can't help but appreciate the irony

Someone smashed through the glass at this bus stop, presumably after reading: 'If it ain't broke, break it'

This smoker climbed on to the post to have his cigarette, no doubt following the direction of the arrow

 When this pedestrian sign was turned the wrong way round, a woman copied it by doing a handstand 
  When this pedestrian sign was turned the wrong way round, a woman copied it by doing a handstand

This man definitely saw the comic potential of the sign 'Touch only with your eyes'
This man definitely saw the comic potential of the sign 'Touch only with your eyes'

The word 'it' in this sign is very ambiguous - as demonstrated to hilarious effect by this dog owner 

 This pedestrian made sure he waited for the green arrow exactly as directed by the sign 

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